Fabric Version

Download - Here
 Changelog -  Here
Wiki - Here

Forge Version

Download - Here
Changelog - Here

DarkRPG Official Fabric Server IPs
Roguebane - 
darkrpg.mcserver.us (Fabric)
Witchbane - 
darkrpg.mcserver.ws (Fabric)
Knightbane - darkrpg.mcserv.fun (Forge)

Play DarkRPG with friends! Get a server with DarkRPG pre-installed! Use the code 'gamerpotion' and get 25% off your order. Click the banner below or click Here and get your DarkRPG Server today. Bisect Hosting is the #1 server service for Minecraft. 

MMO Server Rules

Roguebane server

Witchbane server

Knightbane server

1.No Griefing or stealing from others. If found griefing your character will be banned for 20 days. Extreme griefing or exploiting the game in anyway will get banned forever.
2.No Spamming
3.No Advertising
4.No Cursing/No Constant Cursing
5.No Trolling/Flaming
6.No Banned Items
7.No Asking for OP
8.Respect all Players
9.Obey Staff Members
10.No Racist or Sexist Remarks
11.No Hacks
12.No Full Caps Messages
13.No Builds Near Spawn
14.No 1x1 Towers
15. No malicious targeting of anybody's physical, mental or social conditions verbally or textually
16. No inappropriate usernames
17. Any Player, Item, Farm, Claimed Chunk, found to be a cause of severe server lag may be removed by a server admin at their discretion
Mod/Admin Rules:
18.Be Responsible with the privileges you are given as a Builder/Mod
19.Do not spawn blocks or items for other players
20.When Trading, only buy and sell legit items
21.Only help build for other players using legit items and blocks
22.No Power Abuse

Help & Support

For modpack issues please post on Discord

Support & Donations

Click Here to make a donation or use the donation box below:-

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