Wednesday 8 February 2023

DarkStarter - Starter Items (Login Rewards)


Receive items when you first log into Minecraft.

Download -

Datapack (to edit the items) - Discord (#files section)
(place datapack inside the datapacks folder of your world)


Version 1.1.8
- Update NeoForge to 1.21

Version 1.1.7
- Update Forge to 1.21

Version 1.1.6
- Update Fabric to 1.21

Version 1.1.5
- Update code for Fabric 1.20.6

Version 1.1.4
- Update code for Fabric 1.20.1

Version 1.1.3
- Update NeoForge to 1.20.6

Version 1.1.2
- Update Forge to 1.20.6

Version 1.1.1
- Update Fabric to 1.20.5 & 1.20.6

Version 1.1.0
- Update Forge to 1.20.3 and 1.20.4

Version 1.0.9
- Update Fabric 1.20.3-1.20.4 to cleaner code

Version 1.0.8
- Update Fabric 1.20.2 to cleaner code

Version 1.0.7
- Update Fabric 1.20.1 to cleaner code

Version 1.0.6
- Update Forge 1.20.1 to server-side

Version 1.0.5
- Update to 1.20.3 and 1.20.4 (Fabric only)

Version 1.0.4
- Update to 1.20.2 (Fabric only)

Version 1.0.3
- Update to Forge

Version 1.0.2
- Updated to 1.20

Version 1.0.1
- Changed chest to bundle. This is helpful on servers where players open chests and leave them there.

Version 1.0.0
- Initial release

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