Thursday 24 March 2022

GamerPotion Modpack Update Version 1.0.8 for Minecraft 1.18.2


The GamerPotion Modpack has finally been released for Minecraft 1.18.2. View full article for more information!

This update brings a complete overhaul to the entire modpack mods list. This pack now included more than 260 mods

Get the GamerPotion Modpack today from -


Version 1.0.8b
- Updated all mods to latest versions
- Removed disabled mods
- Added Towers of the wild
- Added Cammie's combat tweaks
- Added Cammie's backpack mod
- Removed better third person mod as it was interfering with cosmetic shoulder items
- Added starter items

Version 1.0.8a
- Updated all mods to latest versions
- Added several QoL mods
- Changed minimap and worldmap to use FTBchunks mod's maps
- Updated main menu and loading screen

Version 1.0.8
- Updated all mods to latest version
- Added MC Dungeons weps and armour
- Changed starter gear
- Minimap is now on the top right and FPS counter on the top left.
- Fixed inventory hud overlap
- Changed loading screen colours

Version 1.0.7a
- Minor tweaks

Version 1.0.7
- Updated to latest version 1.18.2
- Updated to latest version of Fabric
- Added more than 200+ QoL mods
- Boosted FPS and OpalFab mods now also included in the pack
- Minimap is pvp friendly.
- Hud has been changed. Disable onehud mod if you dont like the hp bar at the bottom. This can be done in the mods menu section.

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